The Archman of Petralona (700,000 years old) disturbs the global anthropological community, because he places man outside of Africa in a documented and scientific manner, spoiling the official narrative - Ελλήνων Αφύπνιση

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Sunday, March 16



The Archman of Petralona (700,000 years old) disturbs the global anthropological community, because he places man outside of Africa in a documented and scientific manner, spoiling the official narrative


Photo from the cave of Petralona in Halkidiki, which is a place to visit.


The Greek anthropologist, Aris Poulianos, argued that the skeleton was close to 700,000 years old. His claims shook the scientific world. He proved that the archaic man of Petraloni is one of the first forms of Homo sapiens. In short, he is a normal human and has nothing to do with the gorilla and the chimpanzee, the Australopithecus africanus or the Proconsul (Homo habilis).


When he revealed the 700,000 year old skull they tried to bury him alive and at one point they succeeded. I am really ashamed for the international community especially that turns a blind eye, but also for the unworthy politicians in Greece who fought him mercilessly...


By George Seretis


In memory of Aris Poulianos (Ikaria, July 24, 1924- 2021 at the age of 97)


The Archman of Petralona. The discovery of Aris Poulianos is unique in the world annals of paleoanthropology, because it places man outside of Africa.


The Greek anthropologist, Aris Poulianos, argued that the skeleton was close to 700,000 years old. His claims shook the scientific world.


In 1969, dr. Poulianos, studying the Archanthropus of Petralona in Halkidiki, announces that it is 700,000 years old and that it is the oldest European. It also proves that SE Europe, specifically the Balkans, was a place of anthropogenesis independently of Africa.


The skull of Petraloni, in particular, was discovered in 1960 when it was removed from a rock in the cave. Early estimates at the time put the age of the hominid remains at about 70,000 years.


Note: Imagine that when he revealed the 700,000 year old skull they tried to bury him alive and at one point they succeeded, I am really ashamed specially of the international anthropological community who turn a blind eye, but also of the worthless politicians in Greece who fought him mercilessly.


He also proved that the archaic man of Petralona is one of the first forms of Homo sapiens.

In short, he is a normal human and has nothing to do with the gorilla and the chimpanzee, the Australopithecus africanus or the Proconsul (Homo habilis).


Poulianos' position is that the skull of the "Archanthropus of Petralona" is 700,000 years old. And that the Archman is the ancestor not only of today's Europeans, but also of the people of the whole earth. Some of his human findings, dated "11 million-year-old remains of homo erectus trigliensis". The skull in 1964 was dated to 700,000 years by two German scientists, the anthropologist E. Breitinger and the paleontologist O. SickenbergSickenberg, as well as the Japanese professor Motoji Ikeya, a leading nuclear physicist, visited the cave five times and to apply the pioneering method of paleomagnetism.


In the end, he confirmed the claims of Poulianos....


In 2006, a biography of him was published, written by his physician wife Dafni Poulianos, entitled Aris N. Poulianos - Upheavals - From his life and work here:


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